Create or Edit Vault

All vault functions are located on the TROVE/VAULT tab.

  1. Click TROVE/VAULT from the left Menu to open the Vault control page. This page provides everything you need to create, edit or close a vault.

  2. If creating a vault...

    1. Enter the amount of collateral tokens you want to deposit into the vault. You can type in the number or use the slider to select a percentage of the current token balance in your connected wallet.

    2. Enter the amount of stablecoins you want to borrow (your debt). This value will default to the minimum for the underlying loan protocol.

    3. Click CONFIRM and approve the transaction with your wallet

  3. If changing the collateral balance for the vault...

    1. Select DEPOSIT at the top of the page and enter the number of tokens you want to add to the vault. You can also use the slider to select a percentage of the tokens currently available in your connected wallet.

    2. Select WITHDRAW at the top of the page and enter the number of tokens you want to remove from the vault. Remember that the minimum collateralization ratio is 110% of the current debt. You cannot withdraw more collateral without paying back the loan in full and closing the vault.

  4. If changing the debt currently owed by this vault...

    1. Select BORROW at the top of the page to mint more stablecoins based on the value of your collateral. Enter the amount of stablecoins you want to mint. The total debt can never be more than 90% of the value of the collateral without being at risk of liquidation.

    2. Select PAYBACK at the top of the page to burn stablecoins to lower your debt.

      1. If you have stablecoins in your wallet, enter the amount you with to pay back or use the slider to select a percentage of the tokens currently held in your connected wallet.

      2. If you want to pull from the tokens you already have staked throughout the lending protocol, click the OTHER PAYDOWN METHODS button. you can read more about this function in the next How To linked below.

  5. If paying back the debt in full and closing the vault...

    1. Click the CLOSE TROVE button

    2. Stablecoins from your wallet will be used to pay back the full amount of debt.

    3. The vault will be closed and all remaining collateral will be returned to the wallet

Last updated